Closing the gender health gap, one tee at a time.

We donate 10% of our profits to a charity supporting women’s health research. So, every purchase includes a charity donation.

What is the gender health gap?

The scientific and medical community knows startlingly less about female biology than male biology and research into women’s health is significantly underfunded. Less is known about women’s health issues and how general issues manifest in women. As a result, issues can take longer to diagnose, be misdiagnosed, or not be diagnosed at all. Treatments are more likely to pose harmful risks and side effects to women because their safety and efficacy have often been tested in men. Systemic biases mean that women are seen less quickly than men, are taken less seriously, and are less likely to be offered pain relief. The impact of health issues on women’s day to day lives and wellbeing is all too often unknown, overlooked, and/or underestimated.

This has been called ‘the gender health gap’. However, it is essential to take an intersectional approach. We must emphasise and prioritise health inequalities for women of lower income, LGBTQ+ individuals, and Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Mixed
Ethnicity women.

The UK has one of the largest gender health gaps in the world and the largest
in the G20.

None of this is ok.

Wellbeing of Women

Wellbeing of Women are the only UK charity supporting women’s health specifically. By listening to women, WoW supports women’s health across the lifespan through research, education, and advocacy. Your Daughters & Granddaughters purchase includes a donation to WoW, to support them in their mission to deliver desperately needed research into women’s health and wellbeing.

Thank you!